Wednesday, August 1, 2012

3.5 weeks left until the big day

I can't believe it. There is only 3.5 weeks left until my very first ironman!
I remember back in Nov. when I signed up for Louisville thinking it was forever in a day away. I was nervous when I signed up and drank myself silly the night of registration because I couldn't believe I actually was going to do an ironman. When I registered I remembering thinking to myself that I was nuts. I had only completed one season of triathlons: 1 sprint, and two oly distance races that were cut short due to weather. So, yeah, basically I had no clue what I was really doing in the sport. But I did know that I loved it and that I love the challenge that it presents. I never thought I would find another sport that I loved and was so passionate about as gymnastics, but I found it. Triathlons.
So far the journey was been wonderful. Sure there has been some hard training days and some days that I just want to stay curled up in bed. But for the most part, I have enjoying training and have had fun. I know, it's not over yet and I still have a few weeks left. I don't know if there is really such a thing as IM tapper, but I suppose I will be on it after this weekend. I have a couple longer rides left and longer runs, but they will feel short compared to what I have been doing.
Happy Wen All :)

1 comment:

  1. You have been doing great! Enjoy these last few weeks :)
