Last year on this very same day - August 16th - I crashed while riding my bike pretty bad. It was a nice sunny day, but I took a turn to fast and wide and was going to run into a stop sign. So it was either hit the stop sign dead on or try to cut my wheel hard right. When I cut my wheel my back tire skidded out from under me and I went down. The first thing to hit was my left knee then my right arm and hand. I jump up after the fall and started to continue to walk towards work (since I was about a half mile away) then I felt really dizzy and the sweat started pouring off of me. I looked down and I had blood dripping down my leg and my hands had chunks of skin hanging off of them and I guess more blood was dripping off my arm. I sat down on the wall in front of the Capitol to dig my phone and call Jason to come get me. My hands were shaking and I still felt like I was going to pass out. Since I crashed by the Capitol the Capitol Police came over to help me within minutes. They thought I had hit my head because I was pretty out of it. I couldn't get ahold of Jason (he had just got a new phone and I had put the number in wrong) and I didn't want to go to the hospital. The police could not drive me home, so I stumbled home 1.5 miles crying with blood all over the place. Not a single person on my way home asked me if I was ok or if I needed help!! Once home Jason answered the door in shock and helped me get cleaned up. My knee was so swollon and did not stop bleeding for almost 5 days. I probably needed stitches?? who knows? I couldn't walk on it for over a week and took a taxi to work every day because even walking a half of mile to the metro hurt too bad.
Anyhow, with two falls on the same day, two years in a row I am officially cursed!! I should have never laughed at that Voodoo lady last year in New Orleans. She put a hex on me, I know it. Next year I am using August 16th as a rest day!
Oh my goodness! That sucks. I am glad you are okay. Next year, August 16 should definitely be a rest day- and maybe even the 17th for good measure. :)